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Higher energy use for many at the beginning of the year

According to SMHI, February this year was about 5% colder than a so-called normal year and much colder than February last year. If you live in a villa, the cold start of the year can mean that your energy use is higher compared to the same period last year.

About 80% of the energy use in a villa goes to heating and hot water. A higher energy use in the first months of this year compared to the same period last year is completely normal because it has been so cold.

The current pandemic means that many are now working or studying from home. This also means that energy use in a household can be higher than before. This applies to both apartments and villas.

Feel free to log in to My Pages and look at your energy statistics. There you can, for example, analyze when in the day you use the most energy. The next step is to think about whether you can save by turning something off or changing your habits.

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