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Here are some really helpful energy saving tips

El spartips

Underfloor heating is great, but it rarely needs to be on all the time. Save on energy consumption by connecting a timer to the heating system, or turn it on and off manually as needed.

Free up space for the radiators. Shelves, furniture and other things placed in front of the radiators will obstruct the heated air. More energy will be required to heat your home.

Cook faster with a lid on the pot.  Water will heat up much faster if you use a lid. This of course means that less electricity will be used, and your food will be cooked in less time.

Using a kettle instead of the stove when heating water is more energy efficient and usually faster than using the stove.

Do not wash your laundry until the machine is fully loaded. And when doing the washing, do not use higher temperatures than necessary.

Use a dishwasher, if possible. Running fully loaded dishwashers on energy-saving programs saves more energy than washing by hand in hot water.

Check the weather stripping of windows and doors. Heat will quickly leak from cracks. Moreover, a poorly sealed home will become drafty, which makes it feel colder than it is.

Remember to turn off the cooker hood when you are not cooking any food. To use electricity to air out the smell of oozing food is a good investment. But a running fan will also dispel a lot of heated air.

Turn off electronic products completely when they are not in use. The standby mode accounts for relatively large ”energy leaks”. Each device in itself will not consume any large amounts of electricity when it’s on standby. But if you think about all the devices in a home, you can make decent savings here as well.

Use cold water if you just want to rinse your hands. Hot water will not arrive until you turn off the tap, anyway.

Keep the appropriate temperature in the fridge and the freezer. +4 degrees Celsius in the fridge and -18 degrees Celsius in the freezer will provide you with good food storage as well as low energy consumption.

Take quick showers and use low-flow shower heads to save on hot water. If you take a 5-minute shower, you will use approximately 60 liters of water and 2.3 kWh, compared to 180 liters of water and 6.9 kWh for a 15-minute shower.

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