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Government fees in your electricity network tariff

In Partille Energi’s electricity network tariffs, the fees for electricity preparedness, network supervision, and electrical safety are included. These fees, which the company pays, are used to finance the operations of authorities and agencies responsible for monitoring the electricity market.

Despite a significant increase in the electricity preparedness fee during 2024, we have not raised our tariffs.

On July 1, the amended ordinance 2017:1040 came into effect, raising the electricity preparedness fee from 39.20 SEK to 90 SEK per low-voltage point and from 2,129 SEK to 4,897 SEK per high-voltage point. This increase applies retroactively from January 1, 2024.

Fees for 2024

Type of FeeLow Voltage PointHigh Voltage Point
Electricity Preparedness Fee90 kronor4 897 kronor
Network Supervision Fee4,35 kronor870 kronor
Electrical Safety Fee11,10 kronor905 kronor
Avgifterna gäller per helår och moms tillkommer.

The Electrical Safety Fee funds the operations of the Swedish Electrical Safety Agency (Elsäkerhetsverket). The Network Supervision Fee supports parts of the Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate’s (Energimarknadsinspektionen) activities. The Electricity Preparedness Fee, administered by the Swedish National Grid (Affärsverket svenska kraftnät), covers costs for measures and operations under the Electricity Preparedness Act (1997:288).

For a private customer, approximately 132 SEK of the fixed fee in 2024 consists of these governmental fees. Despite the significant increase in the Electricity Preparedness Fee, retroactively effective from January 1, Partille Energi has chosen not to adjust the electricity network fees for our customers.

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