In Partille Energi’s electricity network tariffs, the fees for electricity preparedness, network supervision, and electrical safety are included. These fees, which the company pays, are used to finance the operations of authorities and agencies responsible for monitoring the electricity market.
Despite a significant increase in the electricity preparedness fee during 2024, we have not raised our tariffs.
On July 1, the amended ordinance 2017:1040 came into effect, raising the electricity preparedness fee from 39.20 SEK to 90 SEK per low-voltage point and from 2,129 SEK to 4,897 SEK per high-voltage point. This increase applies retroactively from January 1, 2024.
Fees for 2024
Type of Fee | Low Voltage Point | High Voltage Point |
Electricity Preparedness Fee | 90 kronor | 4 897 kronor |
Network Supervision Fee | 4,35 kronor | 870 kronor |
Electrical Safety Fee | 11,10 kronor | 905 kronor |
The Electrical Safety Fee funds the operations of the Swedish Electrical Safety Agency (Elsäkerhetsverket). The Network Supervision Fee supports parts of the Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate’s (Energimarknadsinspektionen) activities. The Electricity Preparedness Fee, administered by the Swedish National Grid (Affärsverket svenska kraftnät), covers costs for measures and operations under the Electricity Preparedness Act (1997:288).
For a private customer, approximately 132 SEK of the fixed fee in 2024 consists of these governmental fees. Despite the significant increase in the Electricity Preparedness Fee, retroactively effective from January 1, Partille Energi has chosen not to adjust the electricity network fees for our customers.
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All news →District Heating Prices for 2025
Starting from January 1, 2025, Partille Energi will raise the price for district heating by an […]
We receive a positive review from independent auditors
In a time of rising energy prices, Partille Energi demonstrates how a modern energy company can […]
We are lowering electricity grid prices from 1 July 2023
At Partille Energi Nät AB we are pleased to announce that we are reducing the electricity […]
New General terms and conditions for the supply of district heating
The general terms and conditions for district heating have been negotiated and they are now established. The […]
Here are some really helpful energy saving tips
Underfloor heating is great, but it rarely needs to be on all the time. Save on […]
New electricity network prices from 1st October 2022.
Partille Energi Nät AB will raise the fees for the network electricity transmission from 1st October […]
District Heating Prices for 2025

Starting from January 1, 2025, Partille Energi will raise the price for district heating by an average of 5.7% across all customers. This is primarily due to an increased price for our district heating purchases from Göteborg Energi.
Each year, we negotiate Partille Energi’s district heating prices through what is called the Price Dialogue, together with invited representatives of our customers. The Price Dialogue for 2025 district heating prices was concluded at a meeting on September 2, 2024.
Background to the Price Adjustment
Partille Energi applies cost-based pricing. Energy purchases account for 69% of the cost structure for Partille Energi’s district heating, and the cost of these will increase by 6.9% for the next year.
Depreciation and interest expenses are estimated to increase by 4%, and other costs are expected to rise by 2.6%. Overall, we anticipate a cost increase of 5.8% for 2025, but our average district heating price increase will be 5.7%.
The price adjustment will vary slightly in percentage across different tariffs and customer groups.
For private customers, the variable energy prices will increase*. However, the monthly fee for rental agreements remains unchanged. In the terms for the contract forms “Own+” and “District Heating Package 4,” there are clauses regarding how prices should relate to other agreements. For “Own+” and Package 4, the prices are adjusted both from a cost perspective and based on contractual terms. The monthly fee for the additional service “maintenance guarantee” is adjusted, as well as one-time fees for buying out a system.
*Private customers with fixed-term energy prices are not affected by the price change.
For corporate customers, the prices for capacity and energy are adjusted. The price for return temperature remains unchanged.
The New Prices for 2025
You can find the current prices for 2024 and the new prices for 2025 on the district heating pages.
Prices for private customers
Prices for corporate customers
A Heating Solution with Many Advantages
Partille Energi has a clear intention and ambition to have district heating prices that are on the lower end compared to other companies. In the latest Nils Holgersson survey, 84% of the country’s suppliers have higher prices than Partille Energi. Our district heating is largely produced from renewable or recycled energy sources. It is therefore a heating solution that is friendly to both the wallet and the environment, while also being reliable and convenient. As a district heating customer, you can be confident that you have made a good choice.
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All news →Government fees in your electricity network tariff
In Partille Energi’s electricity network tariffs, the fees for electricity preparedness, network supervision, and electrical safety […]
We receive a positive review from independent auditors
In a time of rising energy prices, Partille Energi demonstrates how a modern energy company can […]
We are lowering electricity grid prices from 1 July 2023
At Partille Energi Nät AB we are pleased to announce that we are reducing the electricity […]
New General terms and conditions for the supply of district heating
The general terms and conditions for district heating have been negotiated and they are now established. The […]
Here are some really helpful energy saving tips
Underfloor heating is great, but it rarely needs to be on all the time. Save on […]
New electricity network prices from 1st October 2022.
Partille Energi Nät AB will raise the fees for the network electricity transmission from 1st October […]
We receive a positive review from independent auditors

In a time of rising energy prices, Partille Energi demonstrates how a modern energy company can offer competitive prices and high operational reliability. Since taking over from Göteborg Energi, the company has shown restraint with price increases and holds the second-best outage time in the country, ranked 2nd out of 290 electricity network companies. Competitive prices and high delivery reliability are part of our focus to increase customer satisfaction.
According to the latest Nils Holgersson report, a full 84% of district heating networks and 73% of electricity networks in Sweden have higher prices than Partille Energi. This makes us one of the country’s most affordable options.
With our membership in the Price Dialogue for district heating, we ensure open and predictable pricing, which is done in consultation with our customers. This transparency creates security and long-term sustainability in energy supply.
Second best in all of Sweden in terms of outage time. Partille Energi’s electricity network, according to the Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate (Energimarknadsinspektionen), has high operational reliability with few and short outages, ranking 2nd out of 290 electricity network companies. This is something we are proud of and it benefits both individuals and businesses. By maintaining top-level prices and delivery quality, we position ourselves as a reliable option in a time of rising energy costs.
While many other energy companies are forced to significantly raise their prices, we remain committed to our long-term and responsible business model. Competitive prices and high delivery reliability are part of our focus to increase customer satisfaction. For customers, this not only means relatively low costs but also a safe and reliable energy partner that takes responsibility for the future.
The Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate The Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate is a government agency responsible for monitoring and analyzing the development of the electricity, natural gas, and district heating markets. Its supervisory area also includes reviewing the supply quality of electricity network companies.
Link to report: Delivery Reliability in Sweden’s Electricity Network 2022
The Nils Holgersson Report Since 1996, for the 29th year, the Nils Holgersson Group, with representatives from Bostadsrätterna, Fastighetsägarna, HSB Riksförbund, Hyresgästföreningen Riksförbundet, Riksbyggen, and Sveriges Allmännytta, publishes the report “The Property Nils Holgersson’s Wonderful Journey Through Sweden.” The report presents facts on price levels and price differences between different municipalities for waste collection, water and sewage (VA), electricity, and district heating.
Link to Nils Holgersson Report 2024 – District Heating
Link to Nils Holgersson Report 2024 – Electricity
Latest news
All news →District Heating Prices for 2025
Starting from January 1, 2025, Partille Energi will raise the price for district heating by an […]
Government fees in your electricity network tariff
In Partille Energi’s electricity network tariffs, the fees for electricity preparedness, network supervision, and electrical safety […]
We are lowering electricity grid prices from 1 July 2023
At Partille Energi Nät AB we are pleased to announce that we are reducing the electricity […]
New General terms and conditions for the supply of district heating
The general terms and conditions for district heating have been negotiated and they are now established. The […]
Here are some really helpful energy saving tips
Underfloor heating is great, but it rarely needs to be on all the time. Save on […]
New electricity network prices from 1st October 2022.
Partille Energi Nät AB will raise the fees for the network electricity transmission from 1st October […]
We are lowering electricity grid prices from 1 July 2023

At Partille Energi Nät AB we are pleased to announce that we are reducing the electricity grid fees from 1st July 2023. The price is reduced because our costs for transmitting electricity through the grid will be lower than we previously calculated. We want this to benefit you as a customer.
The electricity transmission fee will be reduced by 3 öre/kWh excluding VAT, and by 3,75 öre/kWh including VAT for all consumption tariffs.
The reason for the lower price is that Vattenfall has announced that they will reduce their regional network tariff from 1st July. Electricity trading prices are falling, and this also contributes to our lower costs when purchasing electricity for grid losses.
For a customer living in a flat with an annual consumption of approx. 2000 kWh, the electricity grid cost is reduced by approx. SEK 75/year. A customer in a larger flat or in a villa without electric heating, with an annual consumption of 5 000 kWh will get a reduction of approx. SEK 190/year. For a villa customer with an annual consumption of approx. 20 000 kWh/year, the reduction will be SEK 750/year.
In the latest independent Nils Holgersson report from 2023 with comparisons of electricity grid fees in Sweden’s 290 municipalities, Partille Energi Nät AB is ranked among the 35 municipalities with the lowest fees, precisely as in previous years. By this price reduction on 1st July, Partille Energi consolidates further Partille’s place as an attractive municipality to live and work in.
Follow the links to get to the pages with complete price information for each tariff.
Please also read more in the Nils Holgersson report for 2023.
Latest news
All news →District Heating Prices for 2025
Starting from January 1, 2025, Partille Energi will raise the price for district heating by an […]
Government fees in your electricity network tariff
In Partille Energi’s electricity network tariffs, the fees for electricity preparedness, network supervision, and electrical safety […]
We receive a positive review from independent auditors
In a time of rising energy prices, Partille Energi demonstrates how a modern energy company can […]
New General terms and conditions for the supply of district heating
The general terms and conditions for district heating have been negotiated and they are now established. The […]
Here are some really helpful energy saving tips
Underfloor heating is great, but it rarely needs to be on all the time. Save on […]
New electricity network prices from 1st October 2022.
Partille Energi Nät AB will raise the fees for the network electricity transmission from 1st October […]
New General terms and conditions for the supply of district heating

The general terms and conditions for district heating have been negotiated and they are now established. The new, amended terms will apply from 1 September, 2023.
There are two versions of the general terms and conditions for district heating. One version is ”for the supply of district heating for use in the course of business” and the other one is ”for the supply of district heating for private use”. The terms and conditions for the use in the course of business were established by the Heating Market Committee, while the terms and conditions for private users where established by Swedenergy – Energiföretagen and the Swedish Consumer Agency.
The general terms and conditions have been revised as they were subject to changes in the District Heating Act and the new provisions from the Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate, established last summer. Also, the content of the regulation (EiFS 2022:3) is the main reason for the changes in terms and conditions. It concerns measurement, collection of measurement values, information on energy use, invoicing and invoicing information.
In addition, there are some minor linguistic adjustments, as well as a few amendments.
These are for example:
- The right of the district heating company to install control equipment for limited distribution of heating in the customer’s installation (terms and conditions for business users 7.5).
- Provisions on the right to demand security or prepayment from customers with possible payment difficulties (terms and conditions for private users 6.4 ff).
- The right to terminate an agreement with a private customer has been discussed (terms and conditions for private users 9.1). Only one exemplifying sentence has been removed.
The terms and conditions enter into force on September 1, 2023, and can be downloaded here, and under “Documents and forms” from our website.
Terms of agreement for the supply of district heating for private use, 1 september 2023
Latest news
All news →District Heating Prices for 2025
Starting from January 1, 2025, Partille Energi will raise the price for district heating by an […]
Government fees in your electricity network tariff
In Partille Energi’s electricity network tariffs, the fees for electricity preparedness, network supervision, and electrical safety […]
We receive a positive review from independent auditors
In a time of rising energy prices, Partille Energi demonstrates how a modern energy company can […]
We are lowering electricity grid prices from 1 July 2023
At Partille Energi Nät AB we are pleased to announce that we are reducing the electricity […]
Here are some really helpful energy saving tips
Underfloor heating is great, but it rarely needs to be on all the time. Save on […]
New electricity network prices from 1st October 2022.
Partille Energi Nät AB will raise the fees for the network electricity transmission from 1st October […]
Here are some really helpful energy saving tips

Underfloor heating is great, but it rarely needs to be on all the time. Save on energy consumption by connecting a timer to the heating system, or turn it on and off manually as needed.
Free up space for the radiators. Shelves, furniture and other things placed in front of the radiators will obstruct the heated air. More energy will be required to heat your home.
Cook faster with a lid on the pot. Water will heat up much faster if you use a lid. This of course means that less electricity will be used, and your food will be cooked in less time.
Using a kettle instead of the stove when heating water is more energy efficient and usually faster than using the stove.
Do not wash your laundry until the machine is fully loaded. And when doing the washing, do not use higher temperatures than necessary.
Use a dishwasher, if possible. Running fully loaded dishwashers on energy-saving programs saves more energy than washing by hand in hot water.
Check the weather stripping of windows and doors. Heat will quickly leak from cracks. Moreover, a poorly sealed home will become drafty, which makes it feel colder than it is.
Remember to turn off the cooker hood when you are not cooking any food. To use electricity to air out the smell of oozing food is a good investment. But a running fan will also dispel a lot of heated air.
Turn off electronic products completely when they are not in use. The standby mode accounts for relatively large ”energy leaks”. Each device in itself will not consume any large amounts of electricity when it’s on standby. But if you think about all the devices in a home, you can make decent savings here as well.
Use cold water if you just want to rinse your hands. Hot water will not arrive until you turn off the tap, anyway.
Keep the appropriate temperature in the fridge and the freezer. +4 degrees Celsius in the fridge and -18 degrees Celsius in the freezer will provide you with good food storage as well as low energy consumption.
Take quick showers and use low-flow shower heads to save on hot water. If you take a 5-minute shower, you will use approximately 60 liters of water and 2.3 kWh, compared to 180 liters of water and 6.9 kWh for a 15-minute shower.
Latest news
All news →District Heating Prices for 2025
Starting from January 1, 2025, Partille Energi will raise the price for district heating by an […]
Government fees in your electricity network tariff
In Partille Energi’s electricity network tariffs, the fees for electricity preparedness, network supervision, and electrical safety […]
We receive a positive review from independent auditors
In a time of rising energy prices, Partille Energi demonstrates how a modern energy company can […]
We are lowering electricity grid prices from 1 July 2023
At Partille Energi Nät AB we are pleased to announce that we are reducing the electricity […]
New General terms and conditions for the supply of district heating
The general terms and conditions for district heating have been negotiated and they are now established. The […]
New electricity network prices from 1st October 2022.
Partille Energi Nät AB will raise the fees for the network electricity transmission from 1st October […]
New electricity network prices from 1st October 2022.

Partille Energi Nät AB will raise the fees for the network electricity transmission from 1st October 2022.
The adjustment is due to the very high electricity trading prices. This leads to significantly increased purchase costs for the energy losses of the electricity network. The fees for subscription, effect and reactive effect will not be adjusted. Thus they stay the same as before.
Tariff | New electricity transmission fee |
Flat (max 16A) | 39,50 öre/kWh |
Other residences | 34,25 öre/kWh |
Further information on tariffs and prices for private customers can be found here.
For a flat with an annual consumption of 2 000 kWh, the adjustment corresponds to a raised electricity network cost of 16 SEK/month. For a villa or larger flat with an annual consumption of 5 000 kWh, the cost will be raised by 40 SEK/month. For a villa with an annual consumption of 20 000 kWh, the raised cost will be 158 SEK/month.
Business customers
Tariff | New electricity transmission fee |
Max 63A | 27,40 öre/kWh |
Över 63A | 13,80 öre/kWh |
HSP 10 kV | 6,60 öre/kWh |
Further information on tariffs and prices for business customers can be found here.
Latest news
All news →District Heating Prices for 2025
Starting from January 1, 2025, Partille Energi will raise the price for district heating by an […]
Government fees in your electricity network tariff
In Partille Energi’s electricity network tariffs, the fees for electricity preparedness, network supervision, and electrical safety […]
We receive a positive review from independent auditors
In a time of rising energy prices, Partille Energi demonstrates how a modern energy company can […]
We are lowering electricity grid prices from 1 July 2023
At Partille Energi Nät AB we are pleased to announce that we are reducing the electricity […]
New General terms and conditions for the supply of district heating
The general terms and conditions for district heating have been negotiated and they are now established. The […]
Here are some really helpful energy saving tips
Underfloor heating is great, but it rarely needs to be on all the time. Save on […]
Partille Energi and Partillebo are building neighborhood charging for electric cars

Starting in the autumn of 2021, Partille Energi and Partillebo will jointly start building public charging stations for electric cars at six locations in the municipality.
In the “Kraftsamling elektrifiering” program, the Västra Götaland region (VGR) provides financial support for the development and establishment of neighborhood charging in collaboration with various energy and housing companies. One requirement is that the charging stations must be built in areas where there are many rental apartments.
Partillebo and Partille Energi have developed a concept for neighborhood charging in Partille and VGR has granted an application for a grant for financing. The decision means that in the autumn we will start building public charging stations for electric cars in six different places in the municipality, including in central Partille, Björndammen, Oxled and Ljungkullen.
We are happy to be able to make it easier for residents in tenancies to easily charge their electric car. Today there are almost no public charging stations in Partille. With this investment, the opportunities to charge your car in a place close to where you live will be much greater even if you live in a tenancy, says Mikael Jednell, Deputy CEO of Partille Energi and Head of Energy at Partillebo.
Latest news
All news →District Heating Prices for 2025
Starting from January 1, 2025, Partille Energi will raise the price for district heating by an […]
Government fees in your electricity network tariff
In Partille Energi’s electricity network tariffs, the fees for electricity preparedness, network supervision, and electrical safety […]
We receive a positive review from independent auditors
In a time of rising energy prices, Partille Energi demonstrates how a modern energy company can […]
We are lowering electricity grid prices from 1 July 2023
At Partille Energi Nät AB we are pleased to announce that we are reducing the electricity […]
New General terms and conditions for the supply of district heating
The general terms and conditions for district heating have been negotiated and they are now established. The […]
Here are some really helpful energy saving tips
Underfloor heating is great, but it rarely needs to be on all the time. Save on […]
Higher energy use for many at the beginning of the year

According to SMHI, February this year was about 5% colder than a so-called normal year and much colder than February last year. If you live in a villa, the cold start of the year can mean that your energy use is higher compared to the same period last year.
About 80% of the energy use in a villa goes to heating and hot water. A higher energy use in the first months of this year compared to the same period last year is completely normal because it has been so cold.
The current pandemic means that many are now working or studying from home. This also means that energy use in a household can be higher than before. This applies to both apartments and villas.
Feel free to log in to My Pages and look at your energy statistics. There you can, for example, analyze when in the day you use the most energy. The next step is to think about whether you can save by turning something off or changing your habits.
Latest news
All news →District Heating Prices for 2025
Starting from January 1, 2025, Partille Energi will raise the price for district heating by an […]
Government fees in your electricity network tariff
In Partille Energi’s electricity network tariffs, the fees for electricity preparedness, network supervision, and electrical safety […]
We receive a positive review from independent auditors
In a time of rising energy prices, Partille Energi demonstrates how a modern energy company can […]
We are lowering electricity grid prices from 1 July 2023
At Partille Energi Nät AB we are pleased to announce that we are reducing the electricity […]
New General terms and conditions for the supply of district heating
The general terms and conditions for district heating have been negotiated and they are now established. The […]
Here are some really helpful energy saving tips
Underfloor heating is great, but it rarely needs to be on all the time. Save on […]
Temporary restriction of spontaneous visits

Due to the government’s stricter guidelines for preventing the spread of covid-19 in society, we only accept visits booked in advance at our office at Kyrktorget 51 in Partille.
This applies until the Swedish Public Health Agency changes its guidelines.
However, our Customer Service is open as usual and you are welcome to contact us via the website, telephone, email or letter.
Take care!
With kind regards from us at Customer Service.
Latest news
All news →District Heating Prices for 2025
Starting from January 1, 2025, Partille Energi will raise the price for district heating by an […]
Government fees in your electricity network tariff
In Partille Energi’s electricity network tariffs, the fees for electricity preparedness, network supervision, and electrical safety […]
We receive a positive review from independent auditors
In a time of rising energy prices, Partille Energi demonstrates how a modern energy company can […]
We are lowering electricity grid prices from 1 July 2023
At Partille Energi Nät AB we are pleased to announce that we are reducing the electricity […]
New General terms and conditions for the supply of district heating
The general terms and conditions for district heating have been negotiated and they are now established. The […]
Here are some really helpful energy saving tips
Underfloor heating is great, but it rarely needs to be on all the time. Save on […]
Information on how to adjust your district heating substation.

Do you know how your local district heating substation works? If not, you can watch our new video with English subtitles to understand how it works. The video will show you useful tips such as how to adjust the heat of your hot water, how to vent your radiators and much more.
When the heat is turned on again after a period of being shut off during summertime everything mostly works accordingly. But sometimes a situation of cold radiators may occur. If you live in a villa in Partille with district heating you have your own district heating substation located in your house.
In our video-guide to self help posted above, you will get a demonstration on the different valves, what the controls are for and how to adjust these to sustain comfort in your home.
If you followed the instructions in the video, and still are having trouble with your district heating system – do not hesitate to contact our customer service and we will help you to book a service appointment.
Latest news
All news →District Heating Prices for 2025
Starting from January 1, 2025, Partille Energi will raise the price for district heating by an […]
Government fees in your electricity network tariff
In Partille Energi’s electricity network tariffs, the fees for electricity preparedness, network supervision, and electrical safety […]
We receive a positive review from independent auditors
In a time of rising energy prices, Partille Energi demonstrates how a modern energy company can […]
We are lowering electricity grid prices from 1 July 2023
At Partille Energi Nät AB we are pleased to announce that we are reducing the electricity […]
New General terms and conditions for the supply of district heating
The general terms and conditions for district heating have been negotiated and they are now established. The […]
Here are some really helpful energy saving tips
Underfloor heating is great, but it rarely needs to be on all the time. Save on […]
Keep track of your energy use

Welcome to login at Mina Sidor (My Pages) with a BankID. If you are a private customer, you can login directly. If you are a business customer, you will need to contact Customer Service at first. We will set up an account for the person/persons with the right to display the business information.
One way to keep track and reduce your energy costs is to analyze when you use most energy during the day. The next step is to consider if you can save energy by turning off something, or change your habits. Perhaps some of your appliances are connected without being used. If you have an electricity tariff where you pay for effect, it’s a good idea to reduce the highest effect output. You can do this by trying to spread your energy use around the clock/during the day.
The figure shows how the electricity use for a family in a house can be distributed during 24 hours.
You can choose which time interval you want to check in the charts. If you move the cursor over the chart columns, the exact values will be displayed.
Latest news
All news →District Heating Prices for 2025
Starting from January 1, 2025, Partille Energi will raise the price for district heating by an […]
Government fees in your electricity network tariff
In Partille Energi’s electricity network tariffs, the fees for electricity preparedness, network supervision, and electrical safety […]
We receive a positive review from independent auditors
In a time of rising energy prices, Partille Energi demonstrates how a modern energy company can […]
We are lowering electricity grid prices from 1 July 2023
At Partille Energi Nät AB we are pleased to announce that we are reducing the electricity […]
New General terms and conditions for the supply of district heating
The general terms and conditions for district heating have been negotiated and they are now established. The […]
Here are some really helpful energy saving tips
Underfloor heating is great, but it rarely needs to be on all the time. Save on […]
Get outage information in your mobile phone.

Register your mobile telephone number, so that you can get text messages about planned outages and service interruptions in a quick and easy way.
It’s important for Partille Energi to be able deliver electricity and distant heating with high operational safety. That is why we continously do maintenance work on our grid networks and other equipment.
During the autumn we will replace a large number of our cable distribution cabinets to improve electricity safety. During the replacement of the cabinets, there will be shorter, planned power outages. Customers affected by the interruptions will receive information by post and as a message on My Pages. We will also carry out a test about receiving outage information in mobile phones.
This is how it works.
Before the planned outage, and in good time, you will get a text message about the day and hour of the maintenance work. Then you will get a reminder when it’s time. During an unplanned outage/service disruption you will get a text message as soon as the error is discovered.
Would you like to get information about outages in your mobile phone? Please log into Mina Sidor (My Pages) with your BankID och register your mobile phone number under Mina Uppgifter (My Details).
Welcome to register!
Latest news
All news →District Heating Prices for 2025
Starting from January 1, 2025, Partille Energi will raise the price for district heating by an […]
Government fees in your electricity network tariff
In Partille Energi’s electricity network tariffs, the fees for electricity preparedness, network supervision, and electrical safety […]
We receive a positive review from independent auditors
In a time of rising energy prices, Partille Energi demonstrates how a modern energy company can […]
We are lowering electricity grid prices from 1 July 2023
At Partille Energi Nät AB we are pleased to announce that we are reducing the electricity […]
New General terms and conditions for the supply of district heating
The general terms and conditions for district heating have been negotiated and they are now established. The […]
Here are some really helpful energy saving tips
Underfloor heating is great, but it rarely needs to be on all the time. Save on […]