District heating – a safe and sound alternative
District heating provides your home with heating and hot water throughout the year. District heating has low impact on the environment and the climate. It is mostly produced from renewable or recycled energy sources.
Prices and contracts 2024
With Partille Energi you can choose between three different contracts for district heating, depending on how much deposit you wish to pay for the installation and how much heating you use per year. More information about the different contracts and the current prices here. All prices include VAT.
Contract type Hyra (Rent) 2024
Rent your district heating substation and pay per month for the heating you use. Maintenance guarantee is included when you rent from us at Partille Energi.
Prices 2023 Hyra (Rent)
Input | Rent | Energy price |
0 SEK | 399 kronor/month | 103,75 öre/kWh |
Contract type Äga (Own) 2024
If you want to own your district heating system, you do not pay rent for the system. You can also choose to take out a maintenance guarantee and we will take care of the maintenance of the district heating exchange.
The 2024 price for maintenance guarantee is 160 kr/month. Start-up fee when purchasing a maintenance guarantee afterwards is 1930 kr.
Prices 2024 Äga (Own)
Input | Rent | Energy price |
38 200 kr | 0 kronor/month | 103,75 öre/kWh |
Contract type Äga+ (Own+) 2024
If you choose Äga+ (Own+), you buy your substation and will pay a higher non-refundable deposit. In this case, you will be charged a lower variable energy price than if you choose any of the two other alternatives. If your consumption is high, this alternative may be to your advantage. Again, you may choose to sign a maintenance guarantee, in which case we will maintain the district heating substation.
The 2024 price for maintenance guarantee is 160 kr/month. Start-up fee when purchasing a maintenance guarantee afterwards is 1930 kr.
Prices 2024 Äga + (Own+)
Input | Rent | Energy price |
100 800 kr | 0 kronor/month | 81,3 öre/kWh |
Contract type “Paket 4” prices 2024
Contract type “Paket 4” is no longer available.
Year | Rent | Energy price |
Pris 2024 | 0 kronor/month | 62,75 öre/kWh |
Maintenance guarantee 2024
If you choose the contract form Rent, the maintenance guarantee is included in the monthly rent.
If you have chosen the agreement Own or Own +, you can sign a maintenance guarantee for 160 kr/month after the warranty period at your district heating plant has expired. If you move into a property where the previous owner did not have a maintenance guarantee, you pay a start-up fee of 1930 kr to sign a maintenance guarantee.
It’s not possible to take out a maintenance guarantee for district heating plants that are 15 years or younger from the time of installation. If you choose to take out a maintenance guarantee after the guarantee period has expired, you will pay later 160 kr/month from the date the warranty period expired to the date you sign the new maintenance warranty agreement.
What is included in the maintenance guarantee?
The maintenance guarantee includes that we rectify faults and replace broken parts. In the event of major errors, we can also replace the entire substation.
Prices and contracts 2025
Contract type Hyra (Rent) 2025
Rent your district heating substation and pay per month for the heating you use. Maintenance guarantee is included when you rent from us at Partille Energi.
Prices 2025 Hyra (Rent)
Input | Rent | Energy price |
0 SEK | 399 kronor/month | 109 öre/kWh |
Contract type Äga (Own) 2025
If you want to own your district heating system, you do not pay rent for the system. You can also choose to take out a maintenance guarantee and we will take care of the maintenance of the district heating exchange.
The 2025 price for maintenance guarantee is 160 kr/month. Start-up fee when purchasing a maintenance guarantee afterwards is 1930 kr.
Prices 2025 Äga (Own)
Input | Rent | Energy price |
41 300 kr | 0 kronor/month | 109 öre/kWh |
Contract type Äga+ (Own+) 2025
If you choose Äga+ (Own+), you buy your substation and will pay a higher non-refundable deposit. In this case, you will be charged a lower variable energy price than if you choose any of the two other alternatives. If your consumption is high, this alternative may be to your advantage. Again, you may choose to sign a maintenance guarantee, in which case we will maintain the district heating substation.
The 2025 price for maintenance guarantee is 176 kr/month. Start-up fee when purchasing a maintenance guarantee afterwards is 2125 kr.
Prices 2025 Äga + (Own+)
Input | Rent | Energy price |
103 900 kr | 0 kronor/month | 88 öre/kWh |
Contract type “Paket 4” prices 2025
Contract type “Paket 4” is no longer available.
Year | Rent | Energy price |
Pris 2025 | 0 kronor/month | 68 öre/kWh |
Maintenance guarantee 2025
If you choose the contract form Rent, the maintenance guarantee is included in the monthly rent.
If you have chosen the agreement Own or Own +, you can sign a maintenance guarantee for 176 kr/month after the warranty period at your district heating plant has expired. If you move into a property where the previous owner did not have a maintenance guarantee, you pay a start-up fee of 2 125 kr to sign a maintenance guarantee.
It’s not possible to take out a maintenance guarantee for district heating plants that are 15 years or younger from the time of installation. If you choose to take out a maintenance guarantee after the guarantee period has expired, you will pay later 176 kr/month from the date the warranty period expired to the date you sign the new maintenance warranty agreement.
What is included in the maintenance guarantee?
The maintenance guarantee includes that we rectify faults and replace broken parts. In the event of major errors, we can also replace the entire substation.
Sign a district heating contract when moving in
If you move in to a detached house in Partille which is already connected to the district heating system, you will have to sign a new contract.
Let us know 30 days before the move. Once we have received your application, we will send you an agreement in duplicate. Sign both and return to us. If there are several owners of the property, everyone needs to sign the agreements. The agreement takes effect as soon as we have received it with your signature. We will then send back one of the agreements with our signature.
You will find the contract terms that apply to district heating delivery to private customers under Documents and forms
Would you like to get a quote for a new connection?
Are you interested in district heating for a new house or do you wish to replace the heating system in your present house? If you do not have district heating, we are happy to check the pre-conditions for us to install a connection for you.
If your neighbourhood has district heating, we will send you a quote of the costs for connecting your house to the district heating in your street. Then you can choose the type of contract you would like to sign for the supply of district heating. You can either rent the district heating substation from us or make an investment to own it yourself.
Ask for a quote. We will help you.
Sign a district heating contract when moving in
If you move in to a detached house in Partille which is already connected to the district heating system, you will have to sign a new contract.
Let us know 30 days before the move. Once we have received your application, we will send you an agreement in duplicate. Sign both and return to us. If there are several owners of the property, everyone needs to sign the agreements. The agreement takes effect as soon as we have received it with your signature. We will then send back one of the agreements with our signature.
You will find the contract terms that apply to district heating delivery to private customers under Documents and forms
How we determine our district heating prices
We are committed to ensuring that you, as a customer, feel confident about how we determine district heating prices. We believe that an open and regular dialogue on district heating prices with our customers is a path to trust and understanding, both for us as an energy company and for our pricing. The goal is to have district heating prices that both parties find reasonable and competitive compared to other heating options.
Local Price Dialogue and Impartial Review
Since 2015, Partille Energi has been a member of “Prisdialogen” for district heating. The “Prisdialogen” initiative was established in 2013 with the aim of strengthening the position of district heating customers in the heating market and increasing trust in district heating companies’ pricing. The initiative is supported by Energiföretagen Sverige, Riksbyggen, Fastighetsägarna, and Sveriges Allmännytta. You can learn more about “Prisdialogen” at prisdialogen.se.
The pricing process begins with a local dialogue between customers and us as a district heating company during documented consultation meetings. After that, we submit the minutes and a price change model for review by the “Prisdialogen” office, followed by a decision on membership in the “Prisdialogen” board. When the membership for the upcoming year is approved, the price change model and proposed price adjustments are also approved.
The protocols and price change model from the recent years
To give you a good understanding of “Prisdialogen”, we present here the documents from recent years that have formed the basis for Partille Energi’s approved membership in “Prisdialogen”. In the protocols, you will also find information about who has been invited to the consultation meetings and who the participating representatives have been. The years in the table indicate the years in which the consultations have taken place.
Environmental values and add-ons
News 1st January, 2020: We are taking further steps towards making our district heating an even more sustainable alternative for heating. We are now climate compensating all district heating to private customers. This means that we compensate for the carbon dioxide emissions from the district heating you use. This is done by making sure that emissions are reduced somewhere else in the world.
How is our district heating produced?
Partille Energi buys all district heating from Göteborg Energi. Approx. 70 % of the district heating produced by Göteborg Energi comes from recycled energy from industrial waste heat and waste incineration. Approx. 20 % originates from renewable fuel, like bio fuel and the remaining 10 % is produced by natural gas.
Björndammen’s district heating plant is the only production unit for district heating in Partille municipality. The plant is managed by Göteborg Energi and it is used on rare occasions, when the weather is really cold, when the network is faulty or when there is a problem at some other production unit.
Environmental values 2023
Environmental values for our district heating are accounted for according to a method developed by Värmemarknadskommittén (the Heat Market Committee). The committee consists of representatives from Fastighetsägarna (the property owners’ national organisation), HSB and Riksbyggen (two of the largest cooperative housing associations in Sweden), Hyresgästföreningen (Tenants Association), SABO (Public Housing Sweden), and Energiföretagen Sverige (Swedenergy).
The environmental impact of district heating can be seen from three perspectives.
- How the energy is used in terms of efficiency
- The amount of carbon-dioxide emissions through the complete production chain
- The amount of fossil fuels used in each district heating network
More information about environmental values for district heating and Värmemarknadskommittén’s agreement at Energiföretagen Sverige (Swedenergy).
Länk till miljövärdesredovisning
Environmental values for delivered district heating 2023
Origin of greenhouse gas emissions 2023.
Calculated according to agreement in
For detailed information, see:
Environmental values for district heating 2023.pdf
Environmental values for district heating labeled Good Environmental Choice 2023
Origin of greenhouse gas emissions 2023.
Calculated according to agreement in Värmemarknadskommittén.
For detailed information, see:
Environmental values for district heating labeled Good Environmental Choice 2022.pdf
If you have an issue with your district heating substation
Was your district heating installed quite recently? The basic settings might not be adjusted to your residence from the very beginning. Release air from the system a little more often during the coming months. When you switched to district heating, some of the water in your radiator system was pumped out. Some air might have got into the radiator system and this means that water may not be circulating properly.
New or older district heating substation? This is how you can check the system yourself.
Instructions for troubleshooting
No heating or hot water?
- Check the temperature of the incoming district heating
- Check if there is any electricity supply to the district heating
There is hot water, but hardly any heating in the facility
- Check if electricity is powering the regulator equipment.
- Check the settings for the regulator equipment.
- Is the system pressurised? Check the preusser gauge (manometer).
- Place your hand on the circulation pump and feel if it is working.
- Check if the secondary dirt filter is blocked, if so, clean it and fit into place again.
There is only heating in parts of the house, what do I do?
Check that all valves are completely open.
Make sure there is pressure in the system by checking the pressure on the pressure gauge (the manometer).
Try to release air from the radiators with a valve key like this:
- Switch off the circulation pump.
- Then increase the pressure.
- Then wait for about 10 minutes.
- Release air from the radiators. A good advice is to start with the ones situated on the highest level of your building.
- Then increase the pressure up to the filling line.
- Finally restart the circulation pump.
There is heating, but no hot water
- Is the hot water regulator working properly?
- Check the temperature settings.
You can watch our video with english subtitles to learn more.
Information on how to adjust your district heating substation.
Do you know how your district heating unit works? If not, you can get help along the way by watching our district heating video. There, you’ll get tips and advice on how to set the control valve for hot water, bleed your radiators, and much more.
Tips for saving
If you live in a detached house, 80 % of the total energy you use in your house will be for heating and hot water. Your energy costs will also depend on how much energy your house is “leaking”. Good isolation will reduce leakages. The indoor temperature, the number of people in your household, and the size of your residence will all play a significant role in the size of your energy costs.
Tips for saving hot water
- Fill your dishwasher to capacity. Do not wash dishes in running water.
- Turn off the shower while you shampoo your hair and soap your body.
- Cut the time you spend in the shower by 5 minutes, it can save you 260 kWh/year.
- Use cold water if you only wish to rinse your hands. Hot water will probably not reach the tap before you have turned it off again
- Replace the tap’s gasket if it is dripping. A dripping tap may cost you several hundred kronor a year in wasted water.
Tips for saving heating
- Keep doors between living areas and storage areas closed. This will help keep a comfortable temperature in the rooms where you stay and a lower temperature in areas you do not use so often.
- Air rooms quickly to keep the use of heating down. It is better to make a strong draught for a short time than keeping the windows open a crack for a longer time.
- If possible, lower the temperature of the floor heating and the towel rail.
- Check that the thermostats in your house are working. If you do not have any thermostats, it is a good idea to buy some, especially if you live in a two-story house.
How much energy do you use?
Bath & Shower | Water consumption | Energy use |
Shower 5 minutes | 60 litres | 2.3 kWh |
Shower 15 minutes | 180 litres | 6.9 kWh |
Shower 30 minutes | 360 litres | 13.8 kWh |
Bath in a bathtub | 160 litres | 6.0 kWh |