We are here to help!
If you cannot find the information you are looking for on the website, please contact us by mail or phone.
We will do our best to help you.
Contact us
Customer Service 031-336 96 60
Error report/ on-call service outside of opening hours: 031-336 96 70
Opening hours
Our opening hours are Monday–Thursday 8–17 and Fridays 8–15 (except for holidays).
Special opening hours
Monday 23/12 | Open 8-12 |
Tuesday 24/12 – Thursday 26/12 | Closed |
Monday 30/12 | Open 8-12 |
Tuesday | Closed |
Postal address: Box 55100, 400 53 GÖTEBORG
Visiting address: Kyrktorget 51, 433 33 Partille
Mail: kundservice@partilleenergi.se
Payment information
Bankgiro: 740-0419 Plusgiro: 4798401-8 VAT nr: SE556478144001 BIC: NDEASESS IBAN: SE2495000099604247984018
Paper invoice
You will receive the invoice in a letter to your post box. This means that the invoice will reach you about a week after the date of invoice.
The paper invoice is free from charge.
EDI-payment (only business)
Your company has the opportunity to receive the invoices electronically via EDI. It saves administrative time and is a benefit for the environment.