District heating has a very high operational reliability and the wear on the pipes underground is small. In the event of an interruption, reserve systems can be connected. Often the temperature in the property will not even drop before the district heating is back. For those who are property owners, district heating is a flexible and reliable system with low environmental impact.
District heating prices and contracts
Prices and contracts 2024
Energy consumption
Season | Energy price | Months |
Winter | 595 kr/MWh | January, February, March, December |
Spring/Autumn | 411 kr/MWh | April, October, November |
Summer | 115 kr/MWh | May, June, July, August, September |
Average effect price base (P3 diurnal) | Price fixed part (C1) | Price variable part (C2) |
0-50 kW | 4 130 kr/year | 1 049 kr/kW |
51-100 kW | 10 900 kr/year | 959 kr/kW |
101-250 kW | 15 200 kr/year | 923 kr/kW |
251-500 kW | 25 550 kr/year | 881 kr/kW |
501-1 000 kW | 109 600 kr/year | 707 kr/kW |
1 001-2 500 kW | 151 500 kr/year | 672 kr/kW |
2 500 kW | 258 250 kr/year | 624 kr/kW |
Discount or fee is calculated for each degree that differs up or down on the return temperature in relation to the average return temperature in the system.
Degrees | Price/discount |
Return temperature (efficiency) october-april | 7 kr/MWh, °C |
Return temperature (efficiency) may-september | 0 kr/MWh, °C |
Ground heating and building heating
Ground heating | 910 kr/MWh |
Construction heating | 838 kr/MWh |
Environmental options
Good environmental choice | 25 kr/MWh |
Climate-compensated district heating | 7 kr/MWh |
Prices and contracts 2025
Energy consumption
Season | Energy price | Months |
Winter | 610 kr/MWh | January, February, March, December |
Spring/Autumn | 421 kr/MWh | April, October, November |
Summer | 118 kr/MWh | May, June, July, August, September |
Average effect price base (P3 diurnal) | Price fixed part (C1) | Price variable part (C2) |
0-50 kW | 4 550 kr/year | 1 164 kr/kW |
51-100 kW | 12 000 kr/year | 1 064 kr/kW |
101-250 kW | 16 700 kr/year | 1 024 kr/kW |
251-500 kW | 28 100 kr/year | 978 kr/kW |
501-1 000 kW | 115 000 kr/year | 785 kr/kW |
1 001-2 500 kW | 160 000 kr/year | 746 kr/kW |
2 500 kW | 265 000 kr/year | 698 kr/kW |
Return temperature
Discount or fee is calculated for each degree that differs up or down on the return temperature in relation to the average return temperature in the system.
Degrees | Price/discount |
Return temperature (efficiency) october-april | 7 kr/MWh, °C |
Return temperature (efficiency) may-september | 0 kr/MWh, °C |
Ground heating and building heating
Ground heating | 962 kr/MWh |
Construction heating | 886 kr/MWh |
Environmental options
Good environmental choice | 35 kr/MWh |
Climate-compensated district heating | 7 kr/MWh |
The different parts of the district heating fee
Energy consumption
The energy consumption shows how much heat the business uses and it determines how much heat is needed to be produced. The energy price is divided into three seasons because the costs of producing district heating are different over the year. During the summer there is a lot of waste heat available and the price is then lower. During the winter, the total heat demand is greater while there is a shortage of waste heat. The price is then higher than the other seasons. The energy part makes up about 65% of your total district heating cost.
The effect part shows how the heating is used, i.e. how even the effect output is. The output will determine which production readiness is needed. The effect fee consists of a fixed and a variable part. The variable part is based on the average of the three highest daily average values from the most recent rolling 12-month period. The effect part constitutes about 35% of your total district heating cost. An even use of heating will cost less, while an uneven use will cost more.
Efficiency (return temperature)
The efficiency shows how well the plant assimilates the heat that goes into the property and affects how much water is needed to circulate in the system, but also which heat sources we have the opportunity to use. A measure of efficiency is to check the return temperature from the district heating system. The lower the return temperature, the higher the efficiency. The system’s return temperature is during october-april compared each month with the system’s average return temperature, and gives a discount or a fee of 7 kr/MWh, °C. If you get a discount, it means that your return temperature is below the district heating system’s average return temperature. The return temperature component affects the total price by about +/- 5%.
How is our district heating produced?
Partille Energi buys all district heating from Göteborg Energi. Approx 70 % of the district heating produced by Göteborg Energi comes from recycled energy from industrial waste heat and waste incineration. Approx. 20 % originates from renewable fuel, like bio fuel and the remaining 10 % is produced by natural gas.
Björndammen’s district heating plant is the only production unit for district heating in Partille municipality. The plant is managed by Göteborg Energi and it is used on rare occasions, when the weather is really cold, when the network is faulty or when there is a problem at some other production unit.
How we set our district heating prices
We are committed to ensuring that you, as a business customer, feel confident about how we set the prices for district heating. We believe that an open and regular dialogue about the district heating price with our customers is a path to building trust and understanding, both for us as an energy company and for our pricing. The goal is district heating prices that both parties perceive as reasonable and that are competitive compared to other heating alternatives.
Local price dialogue and impartial review
Since 2015, Partille Energi has been a member of the District Heating Price Dialogue. It has existed since 2013, and the purpose of the Price Dialogue is to strengthen the position of district heating customers in the heating market and to increase trust in the pricing of district heating companies. The initiative is backed by Energiföretagen Sverige (Swedenergy), Riksbyggen, Fastighetsägarna (Property Owners), and Sveriges Allmännytta (Public Housing Sweden). Read more about the Price Dialogue at prisdialogen.se.
The pricing process begins with a local dialogue between you, our customers, and us as the district heating company during minuted consultation meetings. After that, we submit the minutes and the price adjustment model for review by the Price Dialogue’s office and for a decision on membership by the Price Dialogue’s board. When membership for the coming year is approved, the price adjustment model and the proposed price change are also approved.
The protocols and price adjustment model from recent years.
To give you a clear picture of the Price Dialogue, we present here the documents from recent years that have formed the basis for Partille Energi’s approved membership in the Price Dialogue. In the protocols, you will also find information about who has been invited to the consultation meetings and who the participating representatives were. The years in the table refer to the year the consultations were held.
Special contracts
District heating can be used in more areas than those you may first think of, as a property owner or construction company. In addition to our basic offer, we also have special contracts and agreements for ground heating and construction heating.
Ground heating
Those who choose district heating can also use it to keep the land area free from snow and ice during the winter, for example at entrances, in squares or streets. Ground heating with district heating is a resource-efficient and convenient heating alternative. It also provides lower heating costs compared to many other alternatives. You only pay for the energy used and not for any effect peaks. As ground heating is driven by district heating, the security of supply is also very high, but on special occasions when the demand for district heating is high, we as a supplier can prioritize the ground heating supply for the benefit of other customers.
Price for groundheating 2024 is 910 kr/MWh
Construction heating
For those who are in need of heating during new construction, rebuilding or renovation, we at Partille Energi offer a product that we call building heating. Construction heating is only offered during the construction period and thereafter an ordinary supply contract is signed for district heating.
Building site heating price 2024
For building site heating you will only pay a variable energy price, which is 838 kr/MWh
Who can get district heating from Partille Energi?
Many businesses in Partille already have district heating and we would like more to join in. The network is not totally developed in the municipality, but anyone who is interested in connecting a property to district heating can contact our custumer support for information.
Offer for new connection?
If you are interested in a district heating installation for a new building, or would like to change the heating system in an existent house, please send us a registration of interest. We will help you to find possible solutions. The terms of agreement for distribution of district heating to business customers are found below: Dokument och blanketter
Environmental values and environmental options
District heating is an important part of the overall energy system. If district heating is used for heating, electricity and electricity effect can be used for electric car charging, which in turn replaces fossil fuels.
As a customer, you can further strengthen your company’s environmental profile by choosing environmental options for your district heating.
Environmental values 2023
Environmental values for our district heating are accounted for according to a method developed by Värmemarknadskommittén (the Heat Market Committee). The committee consists of representatives from Fastighetsägarna (the property owners’ national organisation), HSB and Riksbyggen (two of the largest cooperative housing associations in Sweden), Hyresgästföreningen (Tenants Association), SABO (Public Housing Sweden), and Energiföretagen Sverige (Swedenergy).
The environmental impact of district heating can be seen from three perspectives.
- How the energy is used in terms of efficiency
- The amount of carbon-dioxide emissions through the complete production chain
- The amount of fossil fuels used in each district heating network
More information about environmental values for district heating and Värmemarknadskommittén’s agreement at Energiföretagen Sverige (Swedenergy).
Länk till miljövärdesredovisning
Environmental values for delivered district heating 2023
Origin of greenhouse gas emissions 2023.
Calculated according to agreement in
For detailed information, see:
Environmental values for district heating 2023.pdf
Environmental values for district heating labeled Good Environmental Choice 2023
Origin of greenhouse gas emissions 2023.
Calculated according to agreement in Värmemarknadskommittén.
For detailed information, see:
Environmental values for district heating labeled Good Environmental Choice 2022.pdf
Optional – Climate compensated district heating
With the climate-compensated district heating option, the company’s environmental profile is strengthened and it is an environmental effort that reduces the company’s emissions of carbon dioxide. Climate compensation means that we compensate the company’s carbon dioxide emissions for the district heating that is used by ensuring that a corresponding reduction in emissions takes place elsewhere in the world. All emission rights have been reviewed and approved by EU and UN rules.
Emission rights
We have chosen to implement climate compensation through emissions trading in the CER (Certified Emission Reductions) system, which are certified emission reductions from CDM projects in developing countries.
The reduction units are approved in accordance with UN and EU rules. The emission rights are canceled annually in an account for cancellation with the Swedish Energy Agency.
What does it cost?
What does it cost? The price for climate-compensated district heating is 7 kr/MWh as an addition to the usual district heating price. Contact us at customer service for more information about climate-compensated district heating.
Optional – District heating Good Environmental Choice
Through the offer District heating marked with Good Environmental Choice, you only buy district heating from renewable energy and can thus report a low climate impact. For every kilowatt hour sold, money is also distributed to a fund that finances energy efficiency and conversion projects in order to promote a more efficient heating system.
District heating Good Environmental Choice is an independent eco-label that contributes to a healthier nature and fewer hazardous substances in everyday products. The environmental requirements are set and controlled by the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation.
Read more about the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation’s Good Environmental Choices here
What does it cost?
The price for district heating marked with District heating Good Environmental Choice is an addition to the usual district heating price and is 35 kr/MWh.