Electricity network for business

Partille Energi is the owner of the electricity network in Partille. We are responsible for the transport of electricity to residences, business companies, public premises and other utilities in the municipality. We are committed to deliver electricity in a safe and sound way.

We are constantly planning for present and future needs in order to provide your business with the electricity you require. As an example we can mention that nowadays almost the entire electricity network is underground.

Partille Energi is replacing all electricity meters

From the autumn 2023 until the end of 2024, we will replace all electricity meters in Partille.
Our new electricity meter is the OMNIA® e-meter. It’s set up with several great features, such as a new customer interface, HAN (Home Area Network). It enables you to set up a connection to your smart home equipment. Thereby you can monitor and control your electricity use.

Prices and contracts

Electricity network fee from 1 january 2024

Below you will find current prices if you have a business. All prices are exclusive of VAT.

Prices from 1 january 2024SubscriptionElectricity transmissionEffectReactive effect
Max 63A1 500 kr/år24,40 öre/kWh26,00 kr/kW, mån
Over 63A9 000 kr/år12,50 öre/kWh59,00 kr/kW, mån
HV 10 kV16 500 kr/år9,00 öre/kWh49,00 kr/kW, mån15,00 kr/kVAr

Energy tax will be added. From 1 January 2024 the energy tax is 42,80 öre/kWh.

Energy tax 2024

You pay the energy tax for the energy you use. The tax is charged on the electricity network invoice. From 1 January 2024 the energy tax is 42,80 öre/kWh.

What does the electricity network fee consist of?

The subscription is a fixed yearly fee paid by the customers for access to the electricity network. The fee depends on the size of the main fuse.

Electricity transmission  is a variable fee for the transport of electricity through the network. The fee is based on how much electricity you use.

Effect is a variable fee for the maximum load of the electricity network’s capacity. The fee is based on the highest consumption/hour each month (kW).

Reactive effect fee is a variable fee for the highest measured active effect in kW each month.  The fee is based on the use of reactive effect in kVAr that exceeding 50 % for 10 kV ( 15 % for 130 kV).

To sign an electricity network contract

When your business is about to move, it’s important to sign a new electricity network contract, and to cancel the contract for the premise you are moving away from.

Each electricity facility has a specific installation ID connected to the building and the electricity network contract cannot be transferred. Therefore it’s important to cancel the contract when moving out and to sign a new one at the new address. If the move is within Partille municipality, you can easily do it by filling in a form on the Customer Service page on our website.

If your company moves away from Partille municipality, it’s important to find out who the electricity network operator is in your new place. Remember that you need to tell Partille Energi 14 days before you move to make sure everything works properly

Link to Form for moving

Use of electricity and reading of the meter

Remote reading and invoicing

The meter reading is usually done through a signal over the electricity network (remote reading). When you get the invoice you are paying for your real electricity use, and you will avoid getting unexpected updated invoices. When you move you don’t need to read the meter yourself. The reading will reach us automatically. For detailed information about electricity consumption we recommend you to login to My Pages. There you can also compare your current electricity consumption with previous months or years. We normally charge business electricity network fees every month or every second month.

New connection

If you build a new home or move into a residence that does not yet have electricity, you will need a new permanent electricity connection. The first step is to contact an authorised electrician. The electrician will send in an application via foranmälan.nu. In the first instance it’s the authorised electrician who deals with the electricity network company.

Prices for new connections 2024

When installing new electricity connections Partille Energi follows the price model of Energimarknadsinspektionen (the Swedish Energy Market Inspectorate). The distance is measured as a straight line between the connection and the closest point of connection in the electricity network. The extra metre fee will only be charged on metres that exceed the lower range within each zone. You can always ask for a quote if you are not sure what the terms are in your case. All prices are exclusive of VAT.

Connection with service fuse 1625A

16–250–199 metres40 000 kr
200–600 metres40 000 kr + 342 kr/meter
600–1200 metres176 800 kr + 810 kr/meter
1200–1800 metres662 800 kr + 475 kr/meter

Connection with service fuse from 35A and more

We can make you an offer on all connections for service fuses from 35A or more, not dependent on distance. The cost for an electricity cable will be added.

Other installation works

When extending to 3-phase2 500 kr
Add-on subscription2 400 kr
Prices for new connections 2025

When installing new electricity connections Partille Energi follows the price model of Energimarknadsinspektionen (the Swedish Energy Market Inspectorate). The distance is measured as a straight line between the connection and the closest point of connection in the electricity network. The extra metre fee will only be charged on metres that exceed the lower range within each zone. You can always ask for a quote if you are not sure what the terms are in your case. All prices are exclusive of VAT.

Connection with service fuse 1625A

16–250–199 metres43 300 kr
200–600 metres43 300 kr + 371 kr/meter
600–1200 metres191 700 kr + 901 kr/meter
1200–1800 metres732 300 kr + 504 kr/meter

Connection with service fuse from 35A and more

We can make you an offer on all connections for service fuses from 35A or more, not dependent on distance. The cost for an electricity cable will be added.

Other installation works

When extending to 3-phase2 500 kr
Add-on subscription2 400 kr
Information to electrical installers – Installatörswebben

It is you as an electrical installer who helps our customers when they want to connect to the electricity grid, make changes to their subscription or order other work that affects the electricity grid. Partille energi uses a web-based system for contacts with installers. This means that the companies themselves can easily register all the necessary information and also follow the entire matter.

From December 1, 2022, we have a new platform called Installatörswebben.

Do this

  1. Register using the form below.
  2. You will receive a confirmation of your registration.
  3. An email is sent with login details.
  4. Log in with the password you received in the email and register your installation case.
  5. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service.


    Registrering Installatörswebben

    * Obligatoriska uppgifter

    Skyddas av reCAPTCHA.
    Integritet - Villkor

    Taking down a meter

    If you want to cancel a subscription altogether and take down the meter, we ask you to contract an authorised electrician, who can carry out the pre-registration and completion registration of the work with us. This might happen if you are planning to refurbish a house where a meter is installed, or if the house is going to be demolished.

    Excavating, building and ordering temporary electricity

    If you plan to do excavating work, it’s important to order a localization of cables (kabelanvisning). It avoids damaging cables by mistake.

    Cable localization through ledningskollen.se

    If you plan to do excavating, bulldozer or explosive work, it’s important to order a localization of cables (kabelanvisning). It avoids power cuts by cables damaged by mistake. All localization of pipes and cables must be ordered at least 5 days before you begin the work. This is easily done through ledningskollen.se. After you have placed your order, our supplier Geomatikk will identify and mark the localizations of the pipe and cables identified through the account you have created.

    Ledningskollen.se is a free web service managed by Post och telestyrelsen, PTS (the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority), where many of the cable owners are affiliated.

    Keep in mind! You are always responsible for any damage caused by the excavating.

    Link to Ledningskollen.se

    Temporary electricity connection

    A temporary electricity connection, also called work site connection, is a solution to get electricity to a building or a facility during the construction period. All prices on this page are exclusive of VAT. Energy tax will be added.

    Price list for temporary subscriptions (work site connections) from 1 january 2024

    Connection cost (one-off cost)
    25A–63A2 200 kr
    >63 A 4 800 kr
    Day-to-day fees 25A–63A
    Subscription1 500 kr/år
    Electricity transmission24,40 öre/kWh
    Effect fee26,00 kr/kW
    Day-to-day fees >63A
    Subscription9 000 kr/år
    Electricity transmission12,50 öre/kWh
    Effect fee59,00 kr/kW

    You order a temporary connection from an authorised electrician, who will make a pre-registration (föranmälan) and a completion registration (färdiganmälan) to us in the same way as when they register a new connection.

    Independent electricity production

    Installation of solar panels on a business facility is regulated differently from private residencesWe are happy advise you on the size of the facility, and also to help you connect to the electricity network in a flexible way.

    Read more here about the fees and remuneration you can receive from us for the electricity you produce. All amounts are exclusive of VAT.

    Micro-production from February 2023

    By ”micro-production” we mean power plants which are connected to the low voltage network at 0.4 kV. The electricity plant must have a maximum hourly input not exceeding 43.5 kW, and a main fuse with a maximum effect of 63A. The input is then free of charge.

    Your plant will need an electricity network contractual agreement for consumption, and a meter that can gather dual measurements (consumption and production). The electricity network supplier is responsible för replacing the electricity meter at no cost, as soon as you sign an electricity network contract. A further requirement is that the consumption of electricity exceeds the production of electricity during one year.

    Transmission remuneration: 7,00 öre/kWh 

    Small scale production from February 2023

    Small scale production refers to power plants connected to the low voltage network at 0.4 kV or the high voltage network at 10 kV. The power plant must have a maximum hourly power input of less than, or equal to, 1500 kW.

    Transmission remuneration: 4,00 öre/kWh  

    Subscription fee*: 0 SEK (7 000 kr/år)
    Meter fee**: 1 500 kr/år

    *Subscription fee is a fixed fee, charged monthly, that applies to producers with production. If the producer also has a contract for consumption from the same power plant the fee is 0 kr.

    **Meter fee is a fixed fee, charged monthly, that applies to producers with production and consumption from the same power plant. If the meter only collects data about consumption, the fee is 0 SEK.

    High voltage 10kV from February 2023

    High voltage 10 kV refers to production facilities connected to the high voltage network at 10 kV. The power plant must have a maximum registered hourly input that is greater than 1500 kW.

    Transmission remuneration: 4,00 öre/kWh
    Remuneration for guaranteed minimum production: 0,00 kr/kW, år  

    Subscription fee*: 0 SEK (8 500 kr/år)
    Meter fee**: 2 700 kr/år  
    Effect fee***: 6,00 kr/kW

    *Subscription fee is a fixed fee, charged monthly, that applies to producers with production. If the producer also has a contract for consumption from the same power plant the fee is 0 kr.

    **Meter fee is a fixed fee, charged monthly, that applies to producers with production and consumption from the same power plant. If the meter only collects data about consumption, the fee is 0 SEK.

    ***Effect fee is charged every month, based on the highest registered average hourly output per calendar month.

    Sell your surplus production!

    You can sell the surplus production to an electricity supplier. It is also possible to sell the guarantees of origin earned by production from renewable sources to the electricity supplier.

    More information

    There is more information on Solelportalen, a platform for solar energy at Energimyndigheten (the Swedish Energy Authority). Solelportalen is intended for house owners and property owners who run a business, for example farmers and housing societies.

    Link to Solelportalen

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